Intent Research Minded Mamas

My current puzzle is looming large in my mind and our day to day lives. How does someone like me, whose mind and habit thrive on intense projects, tend to the many menial tasks of motherhood that interrupt such projects. Probably, I’m a researcher at heart. I’ve found that I’m most pleased when I’ve tackled something 100%, whether it’s the perfect transformation of a closet into a sewing room/office, or the historical question of whether “Bloody Mary” deserves the name. When a kid with a double ear infection wakes up crying and needing food and unwilling to take their meds, all of what I love to do seems trashed by those who I love. And I do love them. And I want to care for them, even for their menial needs. And, yes, I could consider them “projects”, but I don’t want to. They are people, not projects, and not research subjects.

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