Chocolate Volcanic Cake

Cave Person's Chocolate Cake 2

This is a cake. It is also a kitchen malfunction. And a marvelous example of a kitchen malfunction, if I do say so myself. It’s not supposed to be sunken into itself. I need to work on helping my cakes with self esteem and posture.

This is me puzzling over a) how to work the camera (I had it pointed in the wrong direction), and b) how to morph the malfunction into something lovely and fun that would honor our guests.


Marketing geek that I am, I gave it a name – Chocolate Volcanic Cake – to make it at home with it’s sunken-ness. It is not a mistake. It’s an opportunity for creativity.  I would make a fantastic Marine. Assess, adapt, overcome! We inhaled this cake within 24 hours. By we, I mean I did. I had a little help from my family and our good friends, Rose and Chris who brought their toddler.  It tasted delicious, and I think it looked pretty darn good, too.


This volcano has some awesome lava flows.


This is proof that I’m attempting to learn from my mistakes. I mean kitchen malfunctions. I wrote in the cookbook margins the pan size, temperature, and cooking time. Next time, if I need a flat (boring!) cake, I have ideas for what to do. In the mean time, this happy accident provided lots of culinary and creative pleasure.




3 thoughts on “Chocolate Volcanic Cake

    • So. True. ThePioneerWoman pulls through again. By the way, the ganache recipe I used is from an old chocolate cookbook. I want to share it. Does anyone know the online etiquette for sharing recipes from a paper source?

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