Project Update: Closet to Sewing Office Transformation

closet sewing room transformation in progress

Many thanks for your kind words and support following my last post! I still don’t have answers, but I do now have more ideas, and hope. This week, I’ve used my new seeing room several times, though it’s unfinished. Take a look at that photo! We’re aiming to add shelving to reduce clutter. But it’s usable! One mending project on Friday took 90 seconds, and do you know, that’s all the time I had to spare on it? This fact still amazes me today.

The wonderful thing is that I never would’ve mended that darn diaper changing pad if we hadn’t started making the walk in closet into a sewing room. I’m content knowing that I accomplished something. It was my show and tell when Honey came home. And it doesn’t hurt that the annoying need to mend that particular item isn’t staring me in the face with every nasty diaper change.

Happy Trails,
Miss Mary Clare