Photo: shabby chic & cottage style inspiration.


I took this photo last week using our tablet PC. It’s completely raw and unedited. I didn’t even crop it. Not to be bragadocious, but I think it’s perfect. Sure, there are several things wrong with it from a fine photography perspective. I probably will never hang this on a wall. You can see our window screen, for one thing. And the yards aren’t exactly pleasing to the eye. What I love and what makes it, to my mind, better than an edited or well-planned image, is that it speaks for itself. It captures the reality in the same way it captured me out of the corner of my eye while I was busy with many ordinary things. It’s beautiful. It’s ordinary. It’s unexpected that the two would become one on a random Saturday when I’m cleaning the high chair tray for the 10th time that day and hoping desperately that nap time will come soon.

Also, this photo is in style! I’ve never wanted to pin myself down to a trend (even if I love it!), but I can’t help but notice that this photo would be great inspiration for anyone re-decorating their home in the popular cottage style.

I’ve been thinking a lot about ordinary life. As a friend shared recently: ‘God must really love ordinary life, because he sure created a lot of it!’. This image is there in the midst of our ordinary life. Ordinary life is full of beauty.

I want to share this with you in hopes that your day today is ordinary.



I think it’s cool that ”cool” is still cool.

How many other words have remained cool for generations?

Wait, ”cool” is still cool, right? Teenagers and adults alike still use the word to describe that intangible thing it’s always described, right? Or am I so stuck in the 80’s that I’m blind to pop culture around me today? I mean, I do know that ”rad” and ”totally tubular” are not cool this decade. But are we cool with cool? Still?

Someone (preferably under the age of 20) help me please.

Thank you,

Miss Mary Clare